Saturday, June 25, 2011

Reflections on Learning

A Reflection on
What I Have Learned
Through the EDUC 6115 Course

The purpose of this paper is to reflect upon what I have learned throughout the curse (EDUC 6115).  The complexity of the brain, how it functions and how information is processed, is a topic for which I now have a deeper understanding and appreciation.  Additionally, I have evaluated my own learning process and realize there are instances when differing approaches are appropriate.  Through the development of the learning matrix, I am able to compare and contrast the various learning theories and obtain a better understanding of how they relate to each other.  The possibility of different learning styles being preferred by different learners has been explored and the idea of applying learning strategies has emerged as a possible way to help the learner regardless of their preferred learning style.  The growing prevalence of the use of educational technologies has been examined with the understanding that they are tools to be used across the learning theories and styles.  Motivation, as a factor for learning, has been discussed with considerations for both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated learners.  Finally, a look to the future at how this course will help as I continue toward the goal of becoming an instructional designer.

How People Learn
Through the topics studied in this course, I have come to understand that people may learn in a variety of ways.  The brain is indeed a very complex organ and as such, the study of how information is received, processed, stored, and retrieved is difficult.  The aspect of encoding and how it is influenced was particularly interesting.  According to Ormrod, Schunk, and Gredler, “Encoding is the process of putting new (incoming) information into the information processing system and preparing it for storage in LTM [Long-Term Memory]” (Ormrod, Schunk, & Gredler, 2009, p. 70).  The encoding process is important because, “Retrieval depends on the manner of encoding …” (Ormrod, Schunk, & Gredler, 2009, p. 83).  When designing instruction some effort should be made to assist the learner in the encoding process.  The use of organizational tools such as charts with an established hierarchy, mnemonics, elaborations to help relate new material to existing knowledge, and schemata to help with “…organizing large amounts of information into a meaningful system” (Ormrod, Schunk, & Gredler, 2009, p. 72) when the information is initially presented can help to encode the material for storage.  Later, when retrieval is desired, it may be assisted by presenting the same cues that were used for encoding.  “During recall, presentation of these cues activates the relevant portions in LTM” (Ormrod, Schunk, & Gredler, 2009, p. 84).

My Personal Learning Process
Studying the various learning theories has shown me that my own learning process is more complex than I originally believed.  In most instances, I approach learning new material as a problem to be solved through a logical, step-by-step process.  Most often, this seems to align with cognitive learning theory as, “Knowledge acquisition is described as a mental activity that entails internal coding and structuring by the learner” (Ertmer & Newby, 1993, p. 58).  However, I now see that there are instances where I learn in ways that reflect Social Cognitivism and Adult Learning (andragogy).  Being an older, non-traditional student, I bring a background of experiences into the learning environment.  Additionally, I do well with learning that is presented in a way that is meaningful and relevant to my experiences and expectations.  Intrinsic motivation is a driving force for me, as I desire to know the material well without the need for an external reward.  According to Pew, “The reward of acquiring knowledge or critical thinking skills comes from a personal sense of accomplishment that one has somehow grown as an individual; achievement of personal goals outweighs any external reward” (Pew, 2007, p. 17).

What I have Learned Regarding Learning Theories, Learning Styles,
Educational Technologies, and Motivation

Learning Theories
Learning theories are the, “…foundation for intelligent and reasoned strategy selection” (Ertmer & Newby, 1993, p. 51).  The learning theory supplies the basic core beliefs and values about how learning occurs.  Through the construction of the Learning Theory Matrix, I realized that there is some room for overlap among the learning theories.  For example, “Cognitivism like behaviorism, emphasizes the role that environmental conditions play in facilitating learning” (Ertmer & Newby, 1993, p. 58).  The difference is that cognitivism focuses more on the internal processes the learner goes through as he or she is learning while behaviorism is more concerned with creating a correct response or habit from the application external stimuli.  It appears to me that the use of different theories may be appropriate when considering the age of the learner and the material being covered.  By having some familiarity with the theories we have studied, I will be better able to design instruction that is appropriate for the learner and can choose the appropriate theory for the given situation.

Learning Styles
Learning styles are related to the learning theories in the sense that the styles are the manner in which the material is delivered while the theory is the overarching belief regarding how the material will be learned.  There is still some conversation regarding the importance of different learning styles.  While some learning styles (i.e. - visual, verbal) are more recognized than others are, it seems to be a better approach to focus on strategies that each learner can implement.  According to Ormrod, “…teach them strategies for learning effectively rather than cater to these preferences that may or may not actually exist in the self-report kinds of assessment techniques” (Ormrod, Learning Styles and Strategies, nd).  The strategies recommended by Ormrod are elaboration, comprehension monitoring, and the use of mnemonics (Ormrod, Learning Styles and Strategies, nd).

Educational Technologies
The use of educational technologies is growing in prevalence regardless of which learning theory, style, or methodology is employed.  In fact, educational technology is now used so much that a new learning theory called connectivism is emerging from the use of technology.  With connectivism the idea is that we use a network of multiple nodes, both human and non-human, to assist in the storage and acquisition of data because there is so much data available now.  The Horizon Report (2009) describes different technologies such as cloud computing, using mobiles in the classroom, the personal web, and others as technologies to be aware of as the make their way into the classrooms in the near future.  Using these technologies appropriately can help to engage the learner.  According to the Horizon Report (2009), “Institutions need to adapt to current student needs and identify new learning models that are engaging to younger generations” (Johnson, Levine, & Smith, 2009, p. 6).

Regardless of which learning theory and style is used and no matter how many educational technologies are used, motivation is essential.  “To learn effectively, you not only have to have the cognitive processes that enable you to learn effectively and to remember it effectively; you also have to want to learn it” (Ormrod J. , nd).  Motivation can be internal (intrinsic) or external (extrinsic) but must be present, at least to some extent for learning to take place.  After studying, it seems that the greater effort should be placed on helping the learner to understand and become more intrinsically motivated.  “Intrinsically motivated students strive for a deep understanding and mastery of the instructional material rather than simply memorization of the facts” (Pew, 2007, p. 17).  When a learner can exhibit mastery of a subject, and has internalized the knowledge, that knowledge is then able to be with the learner in other situations, and can possibly be used to build upon.

How This Course Will Help Me In The Future
Through this course, I have learned that people learn in different ways.  The importance of this, as an instructional designer, lies in the creating and developing courses.  Courses need to be developed with the appropriate learning theory for the subject matter.  Additionally, by incorporating strategies for learning and motivation, the learner will be presented with many opportunities for learning.  As I move on to other courses and eventually to designing courses, I will remember to make careful analysis of the subject to determine which learning theory and style may be most appropriate. Additionally, I will consider the learner and what strategies may prove useful to assist with the encoding and retrieval process.
In conclusion, I have learned much in regard to learning theories, styles, and strategies throughout this course.  Additionally, I have seen how using educational technology in the classroom is not a novelty but a necessity for the learner of today.  Motivation is another key element that must be in place for effective learning to happen.  By applying my new understandings of these areas to the field of instructional design, I should be able to more effectively design courses that enable and equip learners.


Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly , 6 (4), 50-71.

Johnson, L., Levine, A., & Smith, R. (2009). The Horizon Report. Austin, TX: The New Media Consortium. Retrieved from

Ormrod, J. (nd). Learning Styles and Strategies. Laureate Education, Inc.

Ormrod, J. (nd). Motivation in Learning. Laureate Education, Inc.

Ormrod, J., Schunk, D., & Gredler, M. (2009). Learning theories and instruction (Laureate custom ed.). New York: Pearson.

Pew, S. (2007). Andragogy and pedagogy as foundational theory for student motivation in higher education. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching , 2, 14-25.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fitting the Pieces Together

Fitting the Pieces Together
by: Jeffrey Harris

In the beginning of the course, I was asked to examine the learning theories and determine which theory most closely aligned with the way I learn.  At that point, I viewed the cognitive theory as being substantially representative of how I learn the best.  “The cognitive approach focuses on the mental activities that lead up to a response and acknowledges the processes of mental planning, goal-setting, and organizational strategies” (Ertmer & Newby, 1993, p. 59).  I still believe that I most closely align with this approach.  I approach learning as a problem solver, using systematic and logical steps to arrive at a conclusion.  However, having now studied additional learning theories in more depth, I now see aspects of several of these theories evident in different learning situations and with different tasks.

Having actively engaged in the discussion boards, I can see that learning can and does occur through social interaction with others including peers and instructors.  By interacting with others who possess additional knowledge or different perspectives on the topics, I have been able to increase my knowledge on these topics.  This closely aligns with Vygotsky’s concept of the Zone of Proximal Development which is “… the difference between what an individual can do on his or her own, and what he or she can do with assistance from a more knowledgeable other” (Timeline of the History of Learning, nd).  I also see aspects of connectivism in that there is more information than I can know and store so I use a network of human and non-human devices to facilitate storage and retrieval when necessary.  Finally, as an adult learner I bring a wealth of experience to learning situations.  Problem-centered learning is a definite plus for me and the tasks need to be meaningful and relevant.  Additionally, as an adult learner I am highly motivated and self-regulated as I approach these tasks.  These aspects seem to align well with Knowles’ idea of andragogy which has as its main focus “… the notion of the material being very learner centered and the learner being very self-directed” (Conlan, Grabowski, & Smith, 2003).  At this point (and there is still a lot of sorting out going on in my mind) I would call myself an Adult Social Cognitivist with Connectivist tendencies.  :-)

A unifying factor is that, with all of the different learning theories, I rely heavily on technology to assist me in my learning tasks.  In many cases, I have taken these technologies for granted and use them “automatically”.  I did not realize just how heavily I depend on these technologies until I completed my “Learning Mind Map”.  Looking back there are many more technological nodes on my network than non-technological.  Even human interaction is accomplished with the assistance of technologies such as email, discussion boards, and blogs.  The use of blogs and RSS feeds is no longer something mysterious to me but is extremely beneficial in that time is saved by using these technologies and information is much more convenient.  Now, when searching, I also include blogs and wikis to find relevant information.  Some of it has to be weeded out but there is some very useful information readily available.  When I find something that interests me or I believe may prove useful, I either bookmark the location or subscribe to the RSS feed when possible.  This allows me to access the information by using a reader, anywhere I can get an internet connection.  Searching for academic resources is something with which I am also becoming more competent.  When creating documents I utilize many technologies ranging from basic office related software to internet sources and various specialty software (some of which is available as free-ware or share-ware).  Two new technologies (new for me) that I am about to start using are the eBook reader Kindle to store and read eBooks and pdf’s, and a speech recognition program (Dragon Naturally Speaking) that will allow me to create various documents by speaking rather than typing.  I have always been a big user of and advocate for technology.  This course has shown me areas that I rely on technology far more than I ever realized.



Conlan, J., Grabowski, S., & Smith, K. (2003). Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved May 30, 2011, from Adult learning. In M. Orey (Ed.):

Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly , 6 (4), 50-71.

Timeline of the History of Learning. (nd). Retrieved May 5, 2011, from,html

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Connectivism and My Learning Network

My Personal Learning Network
By: Jeffrey Harris
This week I have been examining connectivism and how my personal learning network is organized.  In this blog I will discuss how my network has changed the way I learn, which digital tools best facilitate my learning, how I gain new knowledge when I have a question, and how my personal network supports the main principles of connectivism.

Network Learning

Having the ability to connect with multiple nodes on my network allows me to access the knowledge I need when I need it.  No longer is it necessary to wait for a newscast or go to a library for a book on a subject.  Now, I can access multiple sources of information from my home through the use of things such as the internet, email, cell phones, and social sites and I can compare multiple viewpoints on any given topic.  Additionally, I gain information by communicating with friends, relatives, colleagues, and classmates that I am able to assimilate into knowledge for the appropriate areas.  By utilizing all of my available network nodes, I am able to connect quickly and narrow down this information/data to that which is needed at the moment.  Finally, I do not have to maintain all of the information by myself.  By having a network of people and data storage devices, I am able to access information on more topics than I can keep track of alone.

Digital Tools To Facilitate Learning

With the multitude of digital tools that are available to “keep us connected”, it is now possible to go anywhere, anytime and still connect to an outside source.  Personally, the use of the discussion boards has proven to be a very effective digital tool for my learning process.  By reading other classmates posts and engaging in active dialog, I am able to gain insight into different perspectives on the various topics.  Many times a classmate has posted an example relating to the topic that has helped me to clarify my understanding of the subject.  In addition to the discussion boards, I rely heavily on the internet to learn about new topics.  Access to the internet places an abundance of information within easy reach.  Particularly useful are search sites such as Google.  With a Google account, there is access to create websites, blogs, share documents, email, and a variety of other useful tools.  The downside to the internet is that anyone can post anything and present it as factual.  It is up to the individual to separate out opinion from fact where needed and gain the necessary knowledge for the task at hand.

Gaining New Knowledge From Questions

When a new question comes up, I find that I search for answers online as a primary resource of information.  With the advent of blogs and forums, it is just a matter of wading through the available information to cull it down to the information actually needed.  For example, I recently found myself in need of a new grass bag and frame for my lawn mower.  I purchased the mower second hand and have no manuals with it.  Using the internet I was able to search for a manual based on the mower model number.  From there, I found the appropriate part numbers and then searched for a discount place to purchase the items.  In addition to searching for answers online, I will seek advice and information from people that I know.  If I do not know a subject area expert I ask the people I do know if they know anyone that is better versed on the topic.  By doing so I build a web of support that is able to provide information on a variety of topics.  According to Siemens, “Information abundance requires that we offload our cognitive capacity onto a network of people and technology” (Siemens, nd).  Essentially, I no longer need to know and store everything in my memory.  Instead, I need the ability to access the data through some network node, whether it is another person or a storage device/medium.

My Personal Learning Network And Connectivism
My personal learning network seems to support some of the principles of connectivism.  I gain “diversity of opinion” from the multiple personal nodes on my network.  At times, these opinions differ and I must determine which I support through reasoning on my own.  There are also multiple specialized nodes on my network that allow for organization of content and better discussions on the topics to which they are specialized.  However, these nodes will occasionally cross relate to each other and present knowledge from areas where I was not expecting it.  For example, I may find myself learning something about searching for lawn mower parts from one of my musician friends.  The use of modern internet resources assists me to keep connected and current with the available knowledge in multiple areas.  This is the main principle of all connectivist learning activities.

In conclusion, I would surmise that my learning network supports the principles of connectivism as described by Davis, Edmunds, and Kelly-Bateman:
  • Learning and knowledge rest in diversity of opinions.
  • Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources. 
  • Learning may reside in non-human appliances. 
  • Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known. 
  • Nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning. 
  • Ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill. 
  • Currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) is the intent of all connectivist learning activities (Davis, Edmunds, & Kelly-Bateman, 2008).

With these principles in mind, my learning map supports the ideas of connectivism.  Learning is definitely a complex series of actions and reactions, which involves many people and “nodes” to go beyond my own personal knowledge.  As I continue to learn, being aware that I use network connections will assist me as I evaluate and assimilate information from the multiple network connections.  Additionally, as an Instructional Designer I will be aware that there are connections that each individual needs to make and assist them so that they can be as successful as possible.


Davis, C., Edmunds, E., & Kelly-Bateman, V. (2008). Connectivism In M. Orey (Ed.). Retrieved May 30, 2011, from Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology:

Siemens, G. (nd). Connectivism. [Video]. Laureate Education, Inc.